Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Life of the Party

She'd always felt that something was missing - that there was something she just didn't get. It was as if everyone else had been taken off to the side, one at a time, and been told what their role was, what their place was. All around her she saw people living their lives and making choices that seemed to make sense; people pairing up with the right person for them, establishing careers, building their futures. But here she was, making up as she went along, just existing day to day. She barely knew what tomorrow would bring, let alone the next 5 or 10 years. She kept looking around, in case the answer was written clearly somewhere, but if it was, she didn't have the decoder ring.

She didn't even know what her role was supposed to be. Was she a drama queen? A jock? The life of the party? She kept trying on different styles in hopes that she'd find the right one, as though life were the same as buying a pair of jeans. If you try on enough pairs eventually you'll find the ones that make your butt look fabulous. But none of them fit her right. She could only find life's bargain store jeans with the saggy ass and pleated front that made you look fat.


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