Monday, January 09, 2006

First Kiss

First kiss? What's the point? Why bother. You share a beautiful, tender moment like that with somebody, and then what happens? They make you promises, they tell you about the wonderful future you will share together, and when you let down your guard and allow yourself to believe, they tear your heart out and stomp all over it.

I mean, really, what is the point? Nothing lasts forever - nothing lasts long at all. Another girl walks by and he'll follow her off, share a first kiss with her.

First kisses mean nothing, except the beginning of the end. Before the Kiss, everything is possible, everything is an anticipation. Once you kiss it's just a long slide down to heartbreak and heartache.

Don't kiss - that's too intimate. You set yourself up for hurt if you kiss. Just fuck 'em. Like the pros do it. Just fuck them for the pleasure of a fuck and don't ever kiss because the instant you kiss them, or look into their eyes, they take that power over you and they will crush you with false dreams.

So just fuck them because it feels good to fuck, and walk away, and keep your heart safe.


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