Thursday, January 12, 2006

As yet Untitled

Somedays she felt as though she were banging her head against a wall. A boring, meaningless, repeditive action that would slowly kill her, turning her brain to mush. Other days, she felt like she was swimming up stream against a strong current. Constantly pushing forward with all of her strength but never gaining any ground, and if she paused, even for a millisecond to catch her breath, she was swept backwards, loosing everything she'd worked so hard for.

She'd gone to university, like you're supposed to. She'd graduated with honours, like you're supposed to. Heck, she'd even gotten involved in clubs and student politics to show how well rounded and interesting she was - all like you're supposed to. But now she was stuck filing stacks of paper and photocopying bigger stacks of paper, trying to make enough money to make her student loan payments, which seemed all the more insulting because who needs a university degree to press the button on a photocopier!

She kept her resume updated and kept her skills fresh, applying to better jobs when they came along, but nothing ever worked out. She received endless advice from anyone and everyone who felt they knew what the problem was. She tried everything that made sense, and even some that didn't, just in case.

Then one day, she screamed, "Screw it! Fuck this city, Fuck EVERYTHING!!!".

And then she packed her bags and moved halfway around the world, and she felt much better.


Blogger Britmeg said...

Hmmm...this "she" reminds me of someone...;-)

6:17 a.m.  
Blogger Deirdre said...

I don't know what you're talking about...

11:15 a.m.  

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